Bun venit la PIPA

PIPA este recunoscut la nivel global ca fiind brokerul numărul unu în intermiedierea vânzării porumbeilor voiajori și cea mai importantă sursă de știri despre porumbei din lume.

Activitățile noastre sunt :

  • ziar online (cel mai mare din lume legat de industria porumbeilor)
  • brokeraj exclusiv online și offline a porumbeilor de calitate
  • organizarea de licitații publice în care sunt prezenți porumbei de calitate
  • agenție de management pentru crescătorii de top
  • reproducerea și menținerea celor mai excusiviste gene în centrul nostru PIPA Elite Center

PIPA a fost fondat în anul 2000 de către Nikolaas Gyselbrecht, la început fiind un proiect-hobby unde erau colectate informații despre tot ceea ce însemna sportul columbofil. Mai târziu PIPA  avea să devină un adevărat nume în sportul columbofil mondial. PIPA este prescurtarea pentru Pigeon Paradise, numele site-ului original. În prezent, toată lumea se referă la Pigeon Paradise prin abrevierea „PIPA”, o companie cu numele PIPA Holding.


Da, PIPA este un partener de încredere recunoscut astfel de către numeroșii clienți din toată lumea.

Principiile noastre de bază sunt:

  • transparența: suntem transparenți în tot ceea ce facem. Oamenii sunt întotdeauna bineveniți să viziteze compania noastră și să primească un tur ghidat gratuit și să discute cu personalul nostru pentru a înțelege mai bine procesul și modul în care lucrăm.
  • relații pe termen lung: căutăm să construim relații pe termen lung și nu ne pasă de profitul pe termen scurt. Obținem satisfacție de la clienții fericiți și de la rezolvarea problemelor în cazul în care acestea apar.
  • grija: ne pasă de oameni, de cumpărătorii noștri, de furnizori, de personalul nostru și de toate celelalte părți interesate care sunt conectate cu noi.
  • încredere: lucrăm doar cu crescători de încredere și angajăm doar oameni de încredere.

Licitațiile online PIPA oferă cei mai exclusivi porumbei voiajori din lume. Licitațiile noastre online sunt ușor accesibile de pe computer sau telefon mobil, ceea ce înseamnă că puteți licita de oriunde 24 de ore din 24.

Înregistrare & aprobare

Pentru a licita la una dintre licitațiile de pe platforma PIPA trebuie să vă înregistrați un profil . După ce vă înregistrați profilul, acesta trebuie mai întâi să fie aprobat de unul dintre angajații PIPA ; numai atunci vei putea face oferte. Este acceptat doar un singur profil per persoană.

Dacă vrei doar să urmărești licitațiile fără a face vreo ofertă , nu este necesar niciun profil.

Te poți înregistra aici sau contactează-ne pentru ajutor.

Odată ce ești înregistrat, unul dintre membrii echipei PIPA te va contacta telefonic pentru a-ți activa contul și pentru a stabili împreună un buget de licitare. Odată ce contul tău este aprobat, poți începe să plasezi oferte ce se încadrează în limita de buget.

Pentru a ne asigura că fiecare ofertă pe care o plasezi este legitimă, aveți nevoie de aprobare înainte de a licita. Trebuie să ne ceri permisiunea o singură dată pentru a activa acest lucru.

Vă vom suna personal pentru a vă confirma înregistrarea și vă vom pune mai multe întrebări ca verificare a istoricului pentru a garanta onestitatea ofertelor dvs. Poate dura până la 48 de ore înainte de a primi permisiunea de a licita. În anumite circumstanțe, acest lucru poate dura mai mult din cauza sărbătorilor. Prin urmare, vă sfătuim să solicitați permisiunea cu mult înainte în timp ce doriți să licitați pentru un anumit porumbel. În orice caz, contactăm întotdeauna noii utilizatori pentru a-și aproba conturile de licitare înainte de sfârșitul fiecărei licitații.

După aprobare, vom stabili și bugetul dvs. de licitare. Acest buget reprezintă suma totală în EUR pe care o puteți cheltui în fiecare weekend de licitație. Puteți verifica oricând mărirea bugetului în profilul licitației.

În unele cazuri, de exemplu, dacă sunteți dintr-o țară cu care nu avem prea multe experiențe, este posibil să vă cerem o depunere înainte de a vă aproba contul.

În cazul în care doriți să licitați pentru un porumbel imediat, ne poți contacta pentru ajutor.

Poți solicita o nouă parolă aici.

Încă întâmpini probleme cu parola? Contactează-ne.


În suma licitată, TVA-ul (dacă este cazul) și costul administrativ de 80,00 EUR nu este inclus. TVA nu se aplică dacă, în calitate de cetățean non-UE , aveți un porumbel livrat în afara UE, cu o declarație de export valabilă. Alte taxe și tarife care s-ar putea aplica în anumite circumstanțe, cum ar fi taxa de import, nu sunt incluse în oferta plasată de cumpărător. În plus , toate celelalte costuri suplimentare, cum ar fi taxele de transfer bancar, sunt în sarcina cumpărătorului.

În timp ce ești autentificat cu contul tău, poți plasa o ofertă făcând click pe butonul "Licitează". Poți completa oferta sau comanda de cumpărare apoi fă click pe "Plasează ofertă".

De îndată ce confirmi oferta făcând click pe butonul "Confirmă ofertă", ea va fi înregistrată.

Vei fi notificat prin SMS sau email atunci când cineva a oferit mai mult decât tine. Dacă nu ai activate aceste notificări, le poți activa vizitând pagina Profil.

Licitarea începe de la 200 de Euro.


Dacă întâmpini probleme la licitare, sau dorești să licitezi prin telefon, te rugăm să ne contactezi.


O licitație online durează de obicei 2 săptămâni.

Fiind o licitație online, nu poți mânui porumbelul în realitate înainte de cumpărare. Prin folosirea pozelor de înaltă calitate, Controlul de Calitate PIPA, și în unele cazuri videoclipuri, vă oferim cele mai detaliate descrieri are porumbelului posibile.

În unele cazuri este posibilă vizitarea și vizualizarea porumbelului. Ne poți contacta oricând să întrebi dacă este posibil.

Prin emiterea unei comenzi de cumpărare, informezi sistemul nostru despre suma maximă pe care ești disponibil să o licitezi pentru un anumit porumbel. În cazul în care primim o ofertă mai mare decât oferta ta actuală, dar ea este egală sau mai mică decât comanda ta de cumpărare, sistemul nostru va licita automat mai mult decât oferta competitorului, iar cea mai mare ofertă va fi din nou a ta.

O comandă de cumpărare va avea mereu prioritate în cazul unei licitații populare. Asta înseamnă că o comandă de cumpărare în valoare de 2,000 EURO va câștiga mereu în fața unei oferte de licitare normală  cu aceiași valoare de 2,000 EURO.

Atunci când există comenzi de cumpărare cu valori egale, se va declara câștigător cel ce a plasat primul comanda de cumpărare.

Comanda ta de cumpărare nu este vizibilă niciodată altor vizitatori/cumpărători. Comanda de cumpărare de pe site-ul nostru este vizibilă doar ție.


  • Dacă  întâmpini probleme, sau preferi să plasezi o comandă de cumpărare telefonic, te rugăm să ne contactezi.
  • Poți schimba sau anula comanda ta de cumpărare făcând click pe butonul "Schimbă C.d.C." aflat lângă porumbel.

Toate păsările tinere (pentru sezonul 2021-2022 un porumbel din 2021-2022 este considerat o pasăre tânără; pentru 2022-2023 un porumbel din 2022-2023 este considerat o pasăre tânără etc.) care sunt vândute pe PIPA sunt supuse unui Test ADN pentru a determina sexul lor, cu următoarele excepții si anume:

  • Păsările tinere care nu sunt vândute de crescătorul care le-a reprodus

Acești porumbei sunt de obicei vânduți fără certificat ADN. Evident, pentru porumbeii mai în vârstă, sexul a fost deja determinat mai devreme.

Atunci când se face o nouă ofertă pentru un anumit porumbel în ultimele 5 minute de la ora încheierii licitației, ora de încheiere a licitării pentru respectivul porumbel va fi prelungită cu încă 5 minute.

De exemplu:

  • Licitația a fost setată să se încheie la ora 17:00. O ofertă pentru un anumit porumbel este făcută la ora 16:57.
  • Licitarea acelui porumbel este automat prelungită până la ora 17:05, în timp ce licitarea pentru ceilalți porumbei prezenți care nu primesc nicio ofertă în ultimele 5 minute, se va încheia la tot la 17:00.

Dacă vrei să-ți schimbi numele de ofertant poți merge la pagina "Profil licitație" .

Te rugăm să reții că nu poți licita cu acest nume până când nu este acceptat de un administrator. Între timp, poți continua să licitezi cu numele curent.

De asemenea, nu poți schimba numele de ofertant atunci când ai plasat o ofertă în licitațiile ce se află în derulare.

Nu sunt acceptate nume ce sunt provocatoarea, ori conțin numele altei persoane. Cuvântul ‘PIPA’ este de asemenea interzis.


  • Nu, suma licitată nu include TVA
  • TVA nu se aplică dacă, în calitate de cetățean din afara UE, vi se livrează la o adresă din afara UE cu o declarație de export valabilă


Alerte & comunicare

Dacă cineva a oferit mai mult de cât tine poți fi notificat via mesaj text(SMS) sau email. Dacă nu ai activate aceste notificări deja, le poți activa vizitând profilul de licitație.

Primirea SMS-urilor sau a email-urilor este gratis, oriunde în lume.

Notă: nu garantăm primirea sms-urilor deoarece mai există și probleme cu semnalul telefonic. Cel mai sigur este să-ți verifici profilul pentru a vedea dacă nu ai fost supralicitat.

Da, pentru asta poți utiliza sistemul nostru numit ‘alerte’. Atunci când accesezi prezentarea generală a licitațiilor planificate, vei vedea un clopot la fiecare licitație. Când dai click pe acest clopot, vei fi informat când începe licitația respectivă.

Îți poți schimba numărul de telefon vizitând pagina "Profil de licitație" . Va trebui să îți revalidezi numărul de telefon introducând pe site codul trimis de noi către noul tău număr.

Prima dată, verifică dacă ai introdus numărul de telefon și/sau prefixul corect. Dacă sunt corecte, poți cere un nou cod de validare accesând pagina profilului. Dacă nici atunci nu primești un SMS pe telefonul mobil, te rugăm să ne contactezi pentru a putea să verificăm personal problema.

My auction

O prezentare generală a ofertelor tale poate fi găsită pe pagina "Ofertele mele" din Profilul de Licitație și în antetul fiecărei pagini via "Favorite".

Reține că acestea sunt ofertele plasate de tine în licitațiile ce se află în derulare.


Atunci când faci click pe ‘Contul meu’, o să găsești butonul ‘Achizițiile mele’. Acolo vei vedea o prezentare generală a tuturor achizițiilor tale, de asemenea poți vedea sau descărca fotografiile, certificatele ADN, si pedigree-le porumbeilor achiziționați.

Da, adăugarea mai multor adrese de facturare este posibilă. De exemplu, poți alege să ai mai multe adrese de facturare atunci când alegi să cumperi porumbei atât pentru uz personal cât și pentru vreo companie deținută. (atenție: se poate aplica TVA)

În timp ce licitezi, vei fi intrebat pe care adresă dorești ca porumbelul să fie facturat, în caz că ești câștigător.

Fiecare adresă de facturare va fi verificată și autorizată de administratorii noștri de licitație.

Da, se pot adăuga mai multe adrese de livrare.

Atunci când faci o ofertă, poți selecta adresa de livrare unde vrei ca porumbelul să fie trimis, în caz că ieși câștigător. Departamentul nostru de logistică va confirma acea adresă înainte de a trimite porumbelul.

Te rugăm să reții că atunci când adresa ta de facturare se află în afara UE și adresa de livrare se află în interiorul UE, TVA va fi adăugat la suma de licitare.


Factura ar trebui să fie plătită integral în termen de 7 zile calendaristice de la dată facturării , indiferent de termenul de livrare.

Porumbelul este trimis spre livrare sau va fi disponibil pentru ridicare de la sediul PIPA doar după ce s-a plătit intreagă sumă .  Am ales plățile în euro pentru a evita pierderile prin tranzacții valutare. În cazul unei licitații pe platformă, trebuie să plătiți prețul de cumpărare vânzătorului de pe platformă în termen de șapte (7) zile calendaristice de la încheierea licitației, cu excepția cazului în care la licitația de platforma este menționată o altă dată.

În cazul în care plata nu este efectuată la timp de către client, PIPA sau terțul vânzător, își rezervă dreptul de a anula vânzarea , în cazul în care nu există un acord prestabilit, și de a revinde porumbelul. Valuta în care se presupune că se poate face plata poate diferenția pe platforma de licitare.

Prețul de achiziție este compus din         

  • Suma ofertei câștigătoare
  • Un cost de administrare de 80,00 EUR. (În cazuri excepționale, acest cost de administrare poate fi mai mare de 80 EUR per porumbel. Aceste cazuri vor fi întotdeauna comunicate în mod clar cumpărătorului).
  • Taxa pe valoarea adăugată (TVA). TVA-ul nu se aplică dacă, în calitate de cetățean extracomunitar, transportați la o adresă din afara UE, cu o declarație de export valabilă. Suma TVA-ului este afișată pe ecranul de licitare, cu condiția ca clientul să fi selectat adresa de facturare și metoda de livrare corecte.

Toate sumele sunt prezentate în EUR.
Următoarele nu sunt niciodată incluse în prețul de achiziție:

  •  Alte taxe sau tarife (cum ar fi taxele de import)
  •  Alte costuri, cum ar fi costurile bancare
  • Cheltuielile de transport pentru porumbel

Când plătiți pentru achiziția la o licitație care este organizată de o terță parte pe site -ul PIPA , plătiți vânzătorului terț și nu către PIPA. În acest caz, nu există adăugare de TVA. Prețul de cumpărare pe care îl plătiți vânzătorului terț este format doar din suma licitată.

Prețurile porumbeilor prezenți în licitații sunt exprimate in EURO. Cursul de schimb valutar de la moneda ta străină la EURO poate oscila. Cursul actual de schimb este în concordanță cu politicile băncilor.

Calculează-ți cursul de schimb valutar preferat către Euro aici : http://www.x-rates.com/calculator/?from=EUR&to=USD&amount=1


Cei care cumpără un porumbel de la PIPA , primesc o factură a acestuia. Facturile sunt trimise prin e-mail în prima zi de luni după încheierea unei licitații. Factura poate fi plătită în următoarele moduri:

Prin transferarea sumei în contul nostru bancar belgian (Atenție: taxele bancare aferente sunt în sarcina cumpărătorului)
Plata prin card de credit, VISA sau Mastercard ( Atenție : costurile serviciului de 3% sunt în sarcina cumpărătorului )

Atenție, în cazul unei licitații pe platformă plătiți prețul de cumpărare direct vânzătorului de pe platformă . Din motive practice, PIPA vă va trimite cererea de plată din partea vânzătorului de pe platformă cu toate detaliile de plată necesare, dar PIPA nu este vânzătorul și, prin urmare, plata nu poate fi efectuată către PIPA . Factura pe care o primiți va fi de la vânzătorul de pe platformă.

Putem începe livrarea numai după ce noi sau (în cazul unei licitații pe platformă) vânzătorul  am primit suma integrală a achiziției.

  • Nu, suma licitată nu include TVA
  • TVA nu se aplică dacă, în calitate de cetățean din afara UE, vi se livrează la o adresă din afara UE cu o declarație de export valabilă



După ce un porumbel a fost achitat, sunt câteva metode diferite de intrarea în posesie a acestuia.

Prima dintre ele este preluarea personală de la sediul PIPA.

Pentru un număr limitat de destinații, poți de asemenea să alegi un curier care îți va livra porumbelul. Selectează țara de detinație pentru a afla mai multe despre metoda de livrare și costuri.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment.

PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

I will send someone to pick it up

Please contact logistics@pipa.be about how you would like to arrange the transport of your purchased pigeons.

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

PIPA shipment via carrier

PIPA will use a carrier to deliver the pigeon to your chosen destination after payment. PIPA's logistics department will contact you for this purpose.

I will pick it up myself

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be when you wish to collect your purchased pigeon(s).

I will send someone to pick it up

Collection from PIPA is possible after payment during office hours (9am-17pm) Monday through Friday.

Please inform us minimum 2 working days in advance via logistics@pipa.be if you yourself wish to have your purchased pigeon(s) collected by another person (acquaintance, friend, transporter, other).

Dacă țara dvs. de destinație nu poate fi selectată, înseamnă că PIPA încă nu are experiență în vânzarea sau expedierea porumbeilor acolo. Pentru a afla dacă este posibil să expediați porumbei în țara dvs., vă rugăm să ne contactați .


  • PIPA nu este o companie de transport și nu poate ajuta în niciun fel la organizarea transportului către terți. PIPA nu ajută la aranjarea transportului pentru niciun porumbel vândut în afară de PIPA. Toate transporturile porumbeilor PIPA sunt externalizate către curieri profesioniști și companii de transport.
  • Tarifele de expediere afișate pe acest site pot fi modificate. PIPA nu poartă nicio responsabilitate pentru modificările tarifelor de expediere.
  • PIPA nu poate fi solicitată în niciun caz să livreze porumbelul înainte ca suma facturii să fie plătită integral.


După vânzare

PIPA menține o procedură de selecție strictă și evită vânzarea porumbeilor care sunt prea bătrâni sau care au avut prea mulți pui în ultimii ani. Totuși, PIPA nu poate garanta 100% fertilitatea odată ce porumbeii sunt plasați într-un mediu nou. În acest caz, porumbeii care par a fi infertili trebuiesc raportați către PIPA în maxim 2 luni de la primirea lor. 

Dacă un porumbel este bolnav la primire, trebuie să raportați imediat către PIPA în decurs de 24 de ore de la primire.

Un porumbel cu o condiție bună are următoarele caracteristici:

  • nări și gene normale(albe)
  • are suficientă musculatură în zona sternului.
  • prezintă o culoare rozalie la nivelul gâtului.
  • penele sunt strălucitoare.
  • oferă per total semne bune de vitalitate.

Dacă un porumbel este decedat atunci când este primit, imediat trebuiesc făcute fotografii și trimise către PIPA(prin agenții de vânzare), de asemenea, inelul original cu talonul și pedigree-ul trebuiesc trimise înapoi la agentul de vânzări în 24 de ore de la primire.


Toate păsările tinere (pentru sezonul 2021-2022 un porumbel din 2021-2022 este considerat o pasăre tânără; pentru 2022-2023 un porumbel din 2022-2023 este considerat o pasăre tânără etc.) care sunt vândute pe PIPA sunt supuse unui Test ADN pentru a determina sexul lor, cu următoarele excepții si anume:

  • Păsările tinere care nu sunt vândute de crescătorul care le-a reprodus

Acești porumbei sunt de obicei vânduți fără certificat ADN. Evident, pentru porumbeii mai în vârstă, sexul a fost deja determinat mai devreme.

Puteți contacta biroul nostru principal din Belgia în cazul întrebărilor sau reclamațiilor legate de achiziția dvs.


Într-o astfel de situație ,  trebuie sa contactați direct vânzătorul terț , (organizatorul licitației respective de pe platformă )

Licitație pe platformă

La așa- numită licitație pe platformă , există 3 părți implicate: O terță parte , în calitate de partener extern, care în acest caz este vânzătorul , ofertantul și/ sau cumpărătorul este clientul platformei. PIPA este proprietarul platformei și furnizorul.

În cazul unei licitații pe platformă, o terță parte (vânzătorul real) folosește licitație pe platformă PIPA pentru a oferi porumbei cumpărătorilor interesați. În aceste circumstanțe, PIPA îndeplinește doar rolul de proprietar al platformei, site -ul de licitație PIPA este platforma care este oferită spre utilizare vânzătorului , care este un terț extern (de exemplu, organizatorul unui columbodrom). Atenție , finalizarea acestui tip de licitație pe platformă se face în afară PIPA . De exemplu, atât plățile, cât și transportul sunt aranjate între terț și cumpărător. PIPA, în cazul unei licitații pe platformă, nu este implicată în acest lucru. Prin urmare, la fiecare licitație pe platformă, va exista o extindere specifică a Întrebărilor frecvente (FAQ), care intră în mai multe detalii despre finalizările acelei licitații pe platformă.

Attention: possible extra costs and long delivery times, read the information below before placing a bid  


  • The pigeons in this auction are currently in South Africa, and not in Europe as usual.
  • Depending on the location, take into account additional transport costs and delivery times to ship your purchased pigeon from South Africa.
  • Payment of your purchased pigeon will be done directly to the organization of AFRIKAPRO (within 3 days after the auction has ended)
  • Your name and delivery address will be communicated to AFRIKAPRO and the transport company.
  • The pedigree you see in the auction, is the pedigree you will receive. Not all pedigrees come with a signature of the original breeder. We will do our best to obtain all ring cards as well, but we cannot guarantee this.

Delivery times:

  • Delivery times for destinations outside South Africa (excl. US, MX & CA) will be at least 5 months longer than usual.
  • Buyers from US/CA/MX should take into account a delivery time of at least 3 months after the auction has ended.

Additional transport costs:

  • South African buyers will have to pay local transport costs themselves.
  • The additional transport costs for locations outside South-Africa and the US/MX/CA can reach up to 655 euro extra per purchased pigeon in addition to usual transport costs.
  • Transport costs from South Africa to US/CA/MX can reach up to 300 USD + local transport costs.

Additional info transport:

  • AFRIKAPRO will help South African customers by providing contact information of transport companies to arrange transport of pigeons within South Africa. Feel free to contact AFRIKAPRO to arrange transport within South Africa: lara@afrikapro.com.
  • For US/CA/MX please contact  Frank@McLaughlinLofts.com
  • For all other countries: please contact the transport company for more information on costs and delivery times for your exact situation via khadir@groupatp.be or Whatsapp +32 49040295.



  • Payment of your purchased pigeon will go through the organization of AFRIKAPRO. After the auction has ended, you will receive an e-mail from PIPA with the necessary bank transfer information. The purchased pigeon will have to be paid to AFRIKAPRO within 3 days after the auction has ended, otherwise the pigeon will be brought back to auction.


Bank details AFRIKAPRO:

General bank account (USD/EURO/GBP)

Account Number USD : 090876350
Account Number EURO: 090883373
Account Number GBP: 090883381
Account Name : AFRIKAPRO One Loft (PTY) LTD
Address : 29 Teesdale Road, Hyde Park, 2196 Johannesburg, South Africa
Swift Code :  SBZAZAJJ
Branch code: 6605
Bank Name  : Standard Bank
Bank Address : 5 Simmonds Street, Saiby, Johannesburg 2001
Reference: band number

South African bank account (ZAR)

Account No : 402254457
Account Name : AFRIKAPRO One-Loft PTY LTD
Address : 29 Teesdale Road, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, South Africa 2196
Swift Code : SBZAZAJJ
Branch code: 051001
Bank Name  : Standard Bank
Bank Address : 5 Simmonds Street, Saiby, Johannesburg 2001
Reference: band number

Contact information AFRIKAPRO:

Tel: +27 82 836 7904 

Important information

  • Payment of the pigeon will be handled by the organization Dubai International Pigeon Race (bank details can be found at the bottom of this page). First, you will only have to pay the pigeon to Dubai International Pigeon Race (+80 euro administration cost), you will receive an invoice for transportation costs later via the shipment company. The transportation costs are to be wired directly to the shipment company. Please pay in EURO.
  • Your name and shipping address will be shared with Dubai International Pigeon Race and the shipment company.
  • All pigeons that have not been paid for within 3 days, will be automatically auctioned a second time. Your account will be blocked.
  •  The pedigree that you see in auction, is the pedigree you will receive. Not all pedigrees come with a signature of the original breeder. We will do our best to acquire all ringband cards, but we cannot guarantee this.
  • The pigeons are currently in Dubai.
  •  The delivery time differs depending on the land/address you would like to ship the pigeon to. 


CountryPrice PER PIGEONDelivery time
Dubai Local fee 
Philippines/ChinaPlease contact your local sales agent. 
Middle-East 60 EUR + local transport feeat least + 1 month
USA-Canada-Mexico420 EUR + local transport feeat least + 5 months
Europe690 EUR (excl. 21% VAT) + local transport fee (countries outside the EU also need to take the shipment cost to the final destination into account)at least + 7 months


In case you wish to receive more detailed info on the exact prices of transport as a buyer, please contact khadir@groupatp.be or via Whatsapp +32 490 43 02 95.


Bank details Dubai International Pigeon Race

Rekeningnummer: AE330260001025865090103


Contact details Dubai International Pigeon Race


Important information

  • Payment of the pigeon will be handled by the organization Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race (bank details can be found at the bottom of this page). First, you will only have to pay the pigeon to Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race (+80 euro administration cost), you will receive an invoice for transportation costs later via the shipment company. The transportation costs are to be wired directly to the shipment company. Please pay in EURO.
  • Your name and shipping address will be shared with Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race and the shipment company.
  • All pigeons that have not been paid for within 3 days, will be automatically auctioned a second time. Your account will be blocked.
  •  The pedigree that you see in auction, is the pedigree you will receive. Not all pedigrees come with a signature of the original breeder. We will do our best to acquire all ringband cards, but we cannot guarantee this.
  • The pigeons are currently in Zimbabwe.
  •  The delivery time differs depending on the country/address you would like to ship the pigeon to. 


Country Price PER PIGEON Delivery time
Zimbabwe Local fee  
Philippines/China Please contact your local sales agent.  
Middle-East  200 USD + local transport fee at least + 2 months
USA-Canada-Mexico 565 USD + local transport fee at least + 4 months
Europe 900 EUR (excl. 21% VAT) + local transport fee (countries outside the EU also need to take the shipment cost to the final destination into account) at least + 6 months


In case you wish to receive more detailed info on the exact prices of transport as a buyer, please contact khadir@groupatp.be (shipment to Europe),  hitham@haaexport.com (shipment inside North America, Canada and Mexico) or admin@victoriafallswcpr.com (shipment to the Middle-East and Zimbabwe).


Bank details Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 

Account number: 9060006198878
Swift code: SBICBWGX


Contact details Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 



Join the million dollar one loft race at Victoria Falls. Compete against the best fanciers in the world in the toughest one loft race in the world. 
Anyone can enter by breeding pigeons at the Victoria Falls breeding station in Zimbabwe. 
The winning pigeons will be sold on the Victoria Falls auction on PIPA and can be placed in the breeding station in Zimbabwe to breed for the race. 
Visit www.victoriafallswcpr.com